Monday, January 10, 2011

Slogan For The Boutique

: VISIBILIARS - FLORENCE January 14 to 27

CULTURAL ASSOCIATION (sponsored by the City of Florence)

Presents "Adopt an artist" ... When Art and Marketing blend


FLORENCE 14-27 January 2011

(The Walled Prison Complex Ex, Piazza Madonna della Neve, salt of the windows)

creativity and determination. "Adopt an Artist" is a perfect combination of art and marketing to Tuscan companies, and non- che intendono promuovere la loro attività commerciale e al contempo sostenere un artista emergente. Promotrice e ideatrice del virtuoso progetto, è l’associazione culturale fiorentina HeyArt, diretta dall’ Architetto Francesca Votano, con il patrocinio del comune di Firenze, Quartiere 1. A collaborare al progetto, personaggi di spicco quali Carlo Palli, collezionista e mercante d’arte e Valerio Dehò, critico e storico dell’ arte, direttore artistico e curatore del Kunst Merano Arte e direttore artistico della rivista Art Key.
“Adotta un artista” è un esempio unico di alleanza nel rapporto tra arte e impresa per un’ iniziativa che ha un triplice obiettivo: Promuovere e sostenere la comunicazione image of companies, promote the work of artists, enhance the appreciation of contemporary culture on the territory.
A "container" which consists of three phases of construction related to three different art forms: photography, painting and sculpture. At each stage involved eight companies and eight artists for a total of 32 artists "adopted" by their companies (chosen by the curator and the Association), which will be available for one year was made, for the purpose of cooperation creation or renewal, corporate image, to the renewal of a product line, brand, website, visual communication company, etc. .. The first exhibition "Visibiliars" In and out of the picture "that will know the artists with the public and businesses, will be held in Florence from January 13 to January 27, 2010 the former prison complex in the charming" The Walled "room windows. In March and June the other two exhibitions in locations yet to be formalized.

In and out of the picture

CRITICAL INTRODUCTION In a time of coexistence between languages \u200b\u200band techniques, including analog and digital, history and present side by side. The genres are additive and not mutually exclusive, it is a mobility concept and the results fascinating. Never as in recent years, photography has been so popular, it seems that all photographing something or someone. For this you better watch what the artists have to say and not so much to teach us in terms of technology but of opening up new horizons and emotions.

THE CURATOR Valerio Dehò currently teaches Aesthetics at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera. From 1997 to 1999 he was Director of the "Twentieth Century" by the municipality of Reggio Emilia. In 2005 he was appointed commissioner of the National Quadrennial XVI in Rome. He directed the "International Award Ermanno Casoli" from 2004 to 2007 and directed the Award and Art Publi Murri 'Artistic Director of Art Research Treviso e consulente di varie case editrici. Ha pubblicato un centinaio di libri e cataloghi, Dal 2001 è curatore presso Kunst Merano Arte.

L’ASSOCIAZIONE Hey art è un’associazione culturale costituita da artisti, storici dell’arte e addetti ai lavori, il cui intento è quello di dare spazio ai nuovi talenti emergenti, in un’ottica di valorizzazione del panorama culturale e artistico. Heyart nasce e s’inserisce come trait d’ union tra l’artista e il pubblico, proponendosi come luogo d’incontro e aggregazione nel nome d’ interessi culturali.


Vernissage: 13 January at 17. 30, by invitation only, from 18.30 Free entry
Editors: Valerio Dehò

Where: The Walled Prison Complex Ex, Piazza Madonna della Neve, salt of the windows, Florence

Organized by: Associazione Culturale Heyart, sponsored by the City of Florence and the District 1

Hours: Monday - Friday 16-20.00, Saturday 11-20

Tickets: free admission

Upcoming Events 10 to 24 March 2011 - officially
From 9 to 23 June 2011 - From formalize

artists: Metrangolo Daniel, David Fontani, Olivia Magris, Roberto Pisanelli, Roya Amini, Corrado Sacchi, Viola Lorenza Savarese, Virginia Panichi.

Companies that "adopt" Da-Me Group Ltd; Living Italian Style; GPS Service Ltd., Industrial Design, Consorzio Origins "national consortium producers interior designers."

Technical Sponsor: Romano Pecchioli "Contract" Osteria del Porcellino

Press Office: GI-ERRE COMMUNICATION Gianluca Rosucci, Via delle Porte Nuove 58, 50144 Florence. TEL 055.0501634 Web: MOBIL 339.47.47.345 MAIL: g.rosucci @ facebook: Gianluca Rosucci - VISIBILIARS Facebook event, FUORI E DENTRO L'IMMAGINE


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