Thursday, March 10, 2011

Can You Have A Runny Nose With Pneumonia

Emergency boars, the province started a census of ungulates and then proceed to the selection

Continua l’attività della Provincia per contrastare il sovrappopolamento di cinghiali, fenomeno che, soprattutto nel corso del 2010, ha causato numerosissimi danni alle colture.
Dopo aver bandito nel novembre scorso un concorso per la selezione di 200 cacciatori per la caccia di selezione degli ungulati, recentemente l’Amministrazione ha tenuto un primo incontro formativo nella sala consiliare, coordinato dal dirigente provinciale di settore Franco Comito , coadiuvato da Maria Forte e dai componenti dell’Ufficio caccia, Mario Muzzopappa e Domenico Celano .
The project to control the wild boar population - strongly backed the Councillor for Agriculture and Hunting Dominic Crupi, who continued the work already started by the former conviction Councillor Nazzareno Fiorillo - provides First a comprehensive census of the animals in the province, which for this purpose has been divided into five macro-areas.
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Indoglobal Future Trends

The Concertation Table on Education establishes working groups and start a synergistic action to address key issues on the table

We met at the council chamber of the entity "Concertation Table Provincial on Education, convened by the coordinator Mario Iozzo, in agreement with the Department of Education Pasquale Fera .
meeting was attended by school administrators Raffaele Suppa, a classical school Morelli, Maria Silvestro of high school Berto, John Policaro Umberto and Aldo High School Capialbi Porcelli, Carlo Pugliese 's IPSSAR Gagliardi, Pietro Gentile Institute of Art Colao, Antonio Rondinelli Institute including Philadelphia, Vincenza Amaddeo Institute including Pizzo. There are also over the labor representatives of category Raffaele Vitale CISL school
Catherine Macri and Maria Ugl Bartolotta, Joseph Mazza responsible provincial PNA (National Association principals).
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