Thursday, March 10, 2011

Can You Have A Runny Nose With Pneumonia

Emergency boars, the province started a census of ungulates and then proceed to the selection

Continua l’attività della Provincia per contrastare il sovrappopolamento di cinghiali, fenomeno che, soprattutto nel corso del 2010, ha causato numerosissimi danni alle colture.
Dopo aver bandito nel novembre scorso un concorso per la selezione di 200 cacciatori per la caccia di selezione degli ungulati, recentemente l’Amministrazione ha tenuto un primo incontro formativo nella sala consiliare, coordinato dal dirigente provinciale di settore Franco Comito , coadiuvato da Maria Forte e dai componenti dell’Ufficio caccia, Mario Muzzopappa e Domenico Celano .
The project to control the wild boar population - strongly backed the Councillor for Agriculture and Hunting Dominic Crupi, who continued the work already started by the former conviction Councillor Nazzareno Fiorillo - provides First a comprehensive census of the animals in the province, which for this purpose has been divided into five macro-areas.
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Indoglobal Future Trends

The Concertation Table on Education establishes working groups and start a synergistic action to address key issues on the table

We met at the council chamber of the entity "Concertation Table Provincial on Education, convened by the coordinator Mario Iozzo, in agreement with the Department of Education Pasquale Fera .
meeting was attended by school administrators Raffaele Suppa, a classical school Morelli, Maria Silvestro of high school Berto, John Policaro Umberto and Aldo High School Capialbi Porcelli, Carlo Pugliese 's IPSSAR Gagliardi, Pietro Gentile Institute of Art Colao, Antonio Rondinelli Institute including Philadelphia, Vincenza Amaddeo Institute including Pizzo. There are also over the labor representatives of category Raffaele Vitale CISL school
Catherine Macri and Maria Ugl Bartolotta, Joseph Mazza responsible provincial PNA (National Association principals).
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Funny Things To Write In The Wedding Book


"Dove finiscono le mie capacità comincia la mia fede e una forte fede vede l'invisibile crede l'incredibile e ottiene l'impossibile"- IKEDA

Sordità infantile, la riabilitazione inizia dalla diagnosi

Più di mezzo milione di adulti soffre di una sordità grave invalidante e sono oltre mille i bambini che, ogni anno, nascono con sordità congenita, determinata da una lesione della coclea, l'organo sensoriale dell'udito. Una situazione preoccupante e per di più in peggioramento, visto che, secondo l'Associazione italiana per la ricerca deafness on the annual increase of hearing problems is about two percentage points. Regardless of age, however, the hearing impairment if not properly managed, can lead to communication difficulties and social skills as well as disrupt the quality of life for those affected. This is why early diagnosis is crucial and speech rehabilitation can make a difference. These are the main topics of the European Day of speech, which is celebrated on March 6. The press conference to present the event was an opportunity to take stock of the situation.
signs to recognize hearing loss in children

The child does not turn when it is called? Non alza il capo a rumori improvvisi o estranei? C'è ritardo nella lallazione o nella comparsa delle prime parole? Sono tre indizi sufficienti a sospettare un'ipoacusia del bambino. Segni che anche il genitore può riscontrare nella quotidianità, per questo di fronte al minimo dubbio, spiegano gli esperti, sarà utile rivolgersi al pediatra e iniziare uno specifico percorso diagnostico: accanto a esami strumentali e a visite specialistiche per valutare l'apparato uditivo e misurarne la capacità, verrà effettuato un bilancio logopedico delle abilità comunicative. «Negli anni» spiega Tiziana Rossetto, presidente Fli (Federazione logopedisti italiani) «lo screening prenatale e neonatale ha permesso di identificare e inviare early diagnosis, many children with hearing impairment at birth and to initiate a timely and educational rehabilitation. Of course, only the confirmation of diagnosis of deafness specialist insights will be critical to choose the remedies useful (use of cochlear implants or implant placement) and to plan the rehabilitative speech therapy and the most suitable educational and educational. It "continues Lipstick" according to the characteristics, age and needs of the patient, the speech pathologist will carry out the so-called "budget speech therapy, which aims to define the non-verbal and verbal communication skills of the child language, auditory-perceptual skills, the performance General and rehabilitation. Useful, "concluded the expert" counseling speech therapist who will lead the family and other social and educational agencies involved (eg school, work) in the path of life of the individual. " For information and increase awareness of the problem Fli has organized a series of local events: these include the activation of many regions in a direct line to a speech therapist, the publication of brochures, information point at the opening of health facilities and squares. "Communication" says Oskar Schindler, professor, former professor of Audiology and Phoniatrics, "a skill is very important and vital. Better, therefore, not underestimate the problem especially in pediatric and adolescent age groups.

For information on the day from 7 to 11 March from 10 to 12, the number to call is 049/8647936. You can also send an e-mail address or visit

Porcelain Figures Ivo

Approved by the Government to open the door Provincial of the "Time Bank"

The provincial government on a proposal advanced by the Directorate of Social Policy Pasquale Fera , in full harmony with President Francesco De Nisi , resolved to promote the opening of the door of the provincial "Bank of the time," notes national association of social nature, which is based precisely on the free exchange of "time".
The BDT is a very unique financial institution. At his desk in fact not deposited money and do not collect interest. Time deposits in the Bank of its willingness to share benefits with other members using time as a measure of trade.
Each of the members is held by a bank account and given a checkbook, periodically audited by the association, which is reported on the weather from time to time made available other members. The activities of the BDT are quite different: cooking classes, home maintenance, support and hospitality, babysitting, care of plants and animals, trade, barter or loan of various equipment, and school tuition Italian lessons for foreigners.
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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Table Skirting Defintion Of Terms

Day 8 March, the Province is promoting a day of support for women victims of violence

"Do not be afraid, break the wall of silence."
With this exhortation, the Centre anti-violence women (Cad) Vibo Valentia invites those who are victims of abuse to come forward and accept the help of psychologists and legal experts, che - in occasione della Festa dell’8 marzo - dedicheranno l’intera giornata a sostegno delle donne vittime di violenza.
Il Cad è stato istituito nel novembre scorso , in seguito alla sottoscrizione di un protocollo d’intesa tra la Provincia di Vibo Valentia e il Centro d’accoglienza Casa di Marta, con lo scopo di intensificare sul territorio provinciale i servizi di assistenza a favore di donne che vivono situazioni di particolare disagio, tramite l’impiego di personale qualificato, con specifiche competenze psicoterapeutiche.
continua a leggere

Subwoofer In Test Does Not


's amazing how the "everyday" becomes something miraculous ... "

- Mother of two children born with profound bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, both with bilateral cochlear implants.
The biggest one was just accepted to the University.

A mother tells of his experiences with his children Jordan's great, that helps me to overcome my difficulties.

... The community is growing in all directions.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Titanic Party Invitations

Look Who's Talking: Copies are available in PDF

Look Who's Talking: A short guide for growth and learning in hearing impaired children
for use by parents and teachers.
I was contacted by a speech therapist named Serena Crincoli. He sent me a copy of this guide very useful, especially because there is also a party for the teachers. Serena has become available to send copies to the parents who contacted her by e-mail:

Some information for teachers:

The decision to include advice for teachers, speech therapists, stems from our experience of working in the school sector. We have the great fortune of having only a corridor separating us from the classes of our children, whether in kindergarten, primary or media. This gives us the opportunity to communicate daily with teachers and curriculum support as well as with other figures that make up the multidisciplinary team, providing our guidelines, responding to questions they may have and discuss the journeys made by children.

Unfortunately, in most cases the school non è in comunicazione con il logopedista del bambino sordo e spesso si trova impreparata a gestirlo nel contesto classe. Pertanto, senza la pretesa di insegnare il mestiere a nessuno, ma solo alla luce della nostra esperienza e delle varie situazioni di difficoltà scolastica in cui in tutti questi anni ci siamo trovate, abbiamo deciso di fornire alcune semplici indicazioni.

Le prime considerazioni da fare riguardano l’acustica dell’aula
Dobbiamo ricordare che la sordità è un deficit sensoriale che limita
Per gli insegnanti la ricezione degli stimoli uditivi e, benché il bambino indossi una tecnologia che riduca tale difficoltà, bisogna tener conto di alcuni aspetti tecnici.
- Il riflesso del suono and background noise are the main problems you may encounter in the classroom and which can be reduced with simple precautions:
- Reduce background noise (eg a classroom that faces the street, traffic and noise, is not preferable).
- Increase soft surfaces such as carpets and sound-absorbing rubber pads under the feet of chairs and desks.
- Reduce the distance between teacher and child. In this regard it would be appropriate at the desks were arranged in a horseshoe and that the child had the opportunity to change position depending on the various activities

Another important aspect concerns the attitude of teachers towards the deaf child and the possible strategies they can use to ensure that teaching methods are closer to its characteristics.
is why the next few pages we will talk directly to them.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Woodbury Louis Vuitton

Soft4web Litigation, State and trade unions take steps to encourage the creation of a production plant that employs 240 workers in cash integration

Ricollocare i 240 dipendenti della Soft4web, attualmente in cassa integrazione, favorendo la nascita di un di un nuovo insediamento produttivo capace di impiegare complessivamente 400 lavoratori entro 2 anni.
È questo l’obiettivo della riunione che si è tenuta oggi, su sollecitazione delle forze sociali, nella sede dell’Amministrazione provinciale tra gli assessori Pasquale Fera (Politiche sociali), Michele Mirabello (Lavoro), l’amministratore delegato della Sistem House, Agostino Silipo , ed i rappresentanti sindacali Donatella Bruni (Cgil), Pino Garrì (Cisl) e Luciano Prestia (Uil).
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Patch No Cd Age Gold 2

bulky waste, the province said the municipalities to use this as a "resource"

is better for a municipality to support a charge of approximately € 150 per tonne for disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment or, instead, to receive up to 70 € "sell" the same amount of material to a consortium of companies that recycle them putting them into the productive circuit?
A question so obvious that it hardly merits response, except that often the "resource" represented by the waste is wasted, with negative consequences not only for the public purse but also for the environment.
To reverse this trend and promote a virtuoso disposal of bulky most polluting, the Provincial Councillor for the Environment, Martin Porcelli, organized a meeting with Luciano Teli , Ecorit director of the consortium, which brings together 630 companies and is part of the National Coordination Centre (Cdc ) for the collection and disposal of WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment).
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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Switching States Driver's License To Ny

PUBLISHING ... Raise your voice


raises his voice and a magazine that speaks of the "Florence on the live" because the music, theater, art, restaurants and meeting places have always been an active part of our city.
Culture and Recreation. An intriguing mix that offers Raise your voice to its readers, with the intent to give space to all those realities of people, artists and, of which there is less talk in front of or behind the scenes.
Singers, chefs, actors, entrepreneurs, dancers, pizza for one day all the same "plan" to try to convey to readers the love and passion for their work.

Raise your voice is free and is distributed in all the meeting places of art and the city's galleries, banks, gyms, restaurants, libraries, shops, bars and pubs. Inside the newspaper
many insights, the book of fun "Come Have Tonight" by Gianluca Rosucci monthly agenda and all events not to be missed.

g.rosucci @

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Metods Of Masterbation

Reorganization dei Confidi, Barbieri riunisce i rappresentanti delle categorie produttive per la formulazione di proposte da inviare alla Regione

Analysis of regional guidelines for the implementation of support within the POR, the reorganization of the consortia, the consortia engaged in provision of guarantees to help companies in access to bank financing. This
the purpose of the meeting held today (photo) came in the room of the Province of Vibo Valentia, convened by the Directorate of Production Activities, Paolo Barbieri .
meeting was attended by representatives of trade unions and associations from the craft sector, trade, agriculture and cooperation, a joint assessment of the matter, in order to then send any comments to the Region.
In particular, the meeting was attended by the Director of Confcommercio of Vibo Valentia, Sergio Consolo, the Secretary-General Ugl, Domenico Russo, president of Casartigiani, Mario Malfarà Sacchini, Secretary of Confartigianato, Ernesto Matera, the representative of CNA, Maria Stella Makers, the President of the Italian Farmers Confederation, Petrolo Domenico, President of Confcooperative Pino Grillo, accompanied by Joseph Crupi and Paola Congiusti .
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How To Wash My North Face Fleece

And have some fun ... Support

A mother made a comment on the group of American support and would like to share with you ...

It 's been a year since my son has had surgery for a cochlear implant and 11 months since it was activated. I note some progress, but to realize the more I came to an idea-a game. Basically I asked my son to stand in a room and close his eyes. We toured the rooms of the house. Per esempio, nel bagno ho tirato lo sciacquone e lui doveva indicare da dove proveniva il rumore. Abbiamo girato tutta la casa provando due o tre cose in ogni stanza. Si è divertito tantissimo e mi ha veramente stupito!!
Ha capito la differenza fra il phon e l'aspirapolvere...lo sciacquone e l'acqua che scorre dal lavandino. Una volta abbiamo cercato di rendere la cosa più difficile tirando lo sciacquone mentre andava il phon, ma mi ha guardato per dirmi "Non ci provare"!


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How Do You Get A Shadow Pikachu


Valeria Di and Charles Bivona
Directed Nuccioni

(Taken from the story 'Nta Ciumara D'' Pais Valerie Bivona U, ed. Morgana)

FRIDAY March 11, 2011 21:00
SMS Serpiolle (Via Delle Masse - FLORENCE)

FLORENCE - A book but also a monologue, three female voices elegantly staged by Valerie Bivona, already the author of the book from which stretch the show, accompanied by Ilda Fusco (the commara) and Brunella Giandonati (Madness). The
Fiumara, directed by Charles Nuccioni, is a show of introspection in which domestic violence is contrasted with the light heartedness of childhood. The mind is crowded with ghosts who appear in the guise of geckos, odors, witches and evil eye, the protagonist (a girl, Valerie Bivona) against his will, is forced to suffer.
The drama of history is underlined by the extraordinary music performed by Arianna Romanella (vocals) Sandro Bertieri (guitar) Joseph Judah (percussion) and the sound of a gong that acts to break applications and games of the protagonist.
Fantasy, curiosity, imagination, desires, renounced echoes of an existing child who is making their way, with difficulty, between the meshes of a native language to a sense of warmth that banks and give strength and courage, the hero now Donna. The nights plant populations, report the protagonist back in time, where the borders of the children suffered and experienced mix as threads of a tangled skein, but the memories and memories distilled paths to gather again, precious drops.
The strength of this work is to show how precious and full of resources and the world of children and childhood in general, with their ways of looking at adults ed'interagire with them.
The combination of theater and music, strongly desired by the author, is the witness of the deep resources of the human being as something that pushes us to look beyond, beyond, above. Just as the heroine captured by the beauty and presence of the moon, which seeks to entrust his dreams to shelter from the loneliness and fears. To the moon turns his questions and also the hope of seeing the Woman Woman ... now look at that child with dignity.

UFFICIO STAMPA GI-ERRE COMMUNICATION di Gianluca Rosucci. Mail: Mobile 339.47.47.345

VALERIA BIVONA, Siciliana di Messina, ma fiorentina d’adozione è scrittrice, attrice, musicista. Autrice del libro ‘Nta ciumara d’’u paisi’, è anche l’attrice protagonista del monologo.

IL LIBRO (Morgana edizioni)

La forza della lingua accompagna la protagonista nel suo viaggio, fatto di ricordi e emozioni che se da un lato ci fanno dono della bellezza e dell’intensità emotiva di vissuti affettivi, dall’altra aprono lentamente a uno scenario loneliness, and fear Angos

"'Ncuminciava rispirari n'autra to vote, you jo' was put and put rispirari without."
All text seems to be the story of a long breath, a look back to life, along with the lungs where it enlarges the heart. Together with air, perfume smells, the memories come to the country, parents, grandparents, and that thing "about me faciva 'mpazziri ...

PRESS OFFICE COMMUNICATION GI-ERRE Gianluca Rosucci. Mail: @ Mobile g.rosucci 339.47.47.345

Vezon & Kardas

When Silence Speaks

Sembrerebbe che il gruppo Sordità online Forum sia sparito...speriamo di no. Nel frattempo si è aperto un gruppo SOL facebook, cliccami se volete - vi aggiungo. Quando sono andata a cercare per vedere cosa era successo al gruppo, ho trovato questa poesia scritta dalla Mamma di un bambino con una sordità profonda...

Volevo che la leggesse anche voi, perche' se sono arrivata a superare quella drammatica fase in cui scoprii la sordita' di mio figlio, e' stao anche grazie a voi.
Anzi, aggiungerei, sopratutto grazie a voi. 

Non lasciarmi sola,
stringimi la mano,
cosi’, ancora piu’ forte
Ho bisogno di te
Vieni piu’ vicino
Accarezzami il viso,
sussurrami una melodia
fa che io sia libera
fa troppo male
tutto cio’ che vedo

Credevo di essere forte
Ma ho tanta paura
Questo sorriso
Mi costa troppo sacrificio
Non riesco ad accettare
Quello che mi circonda

il bambino che non trova le parole
e’ qui con me
consola anche lui
Cos’è questo silenzio?
Mi spaventa
Parla, grida, canta
Ma non stare zitto

Vorrei gridare al mondo
Tutto il mio dolore
Perche’ stai piangendo?
Non farlo spaventare
Lui capisce che tu stai male
Il bambino che non trova le parole
It 's a special child with a heart

Play Everything' that other
I can not listen with their ears

The child who can not find the words
He caresses her hand up and smiles at me
It 's so its nice touch
What if I could hear him one last time
I feel I could die happy ...

I could tear the heart from the chest and
donarglielo entirely
I could steal from the sky the moon
only in exchange for a smile I see

a bit 'light My soul is now
One seems to cry out from my lips

Help me! And my hand
loosens its grip
More and more, '
more and more'
... I sleep a little 'peace
Pant peace to my senses
Nothing is more' important then ... How

The child who is not words
now looks at me with anger
I am your son,
get up, hug me, take me
ago that my silence does not become your cross

What am I doing?
let me free, leave me
pain, a mother must just love

without spaces or boundaries
the imperfection is not 'a failure to erase

Come here, my son
Forgive if you can
And if I could go back
Nothing 'and that' I could never change state

m'avesse If God does not permit to be your mother

My heart would no longer be 'cured
Now I understood everything

seems to make sense and suddenly I realize I have never loved

no one but you.

I hand tightly in his arms I feel you tremble

not cry
My punishment and 'too big
I kneel before you
How could I get with the' wrong?
Forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness
I could scream it to remain indefinitely
Up Our silences voiceless

unite us as violin strings
through a thousand words
And I have absolute certainty will always remain

That these conversations more 'deep
In my whole life.

I love you, love you, Oh Lord I love you I could die now

For all the love I feel And I do not care to hear

Shouting "mother"
Your heart next to mine screams
more 'strong
any other word.

Monday, February 28, 2011

2001 Mustang 3.8 Spark Plug Diagram

Scuole superiori, l’assessore Fera inizia un tour conoscitivo finalizzato alla programmazione degli interventi

The availability of reliable data about the real situation of our schools in the province is essential to plan timely and effective interventions.
Moves to stop considering the initiative launched by the Assessor of Education, Pasquale Fera, who this morning began a tour of knowledge in all higher education institutions the responsibility of the organization.
Accompanied by technical director of the Office of the Province, Maria Conocchiella , the commissioner began his tour of monitoring masterful Capialbi Institute of Vibo Valentia.
"Our aim - said Fera - is to have the" picture "of the real state of our institutions sia a livello strutturale che sul piano dei sussidi didattici, delle suppellettili e dei servizi in genere. Tutto ciò al fine di poter programmare gli interventi che si rendessero necessari per assicurare agli alunni una proficua attività didattica. Nei prossimi giorni, pertanto, continueremo questo giro nelle scuole della città e della provincia portando poi i risultati del monitoraggio all’esame del Tavolo di concertazione provinciale sull’Istruzione, già istituito».
continua a leggere

Saturday, February 26, 2011

M Jak Milosc 818 Seria

Initiative: European Day of Speech Therapy How

Monday, March 6, 2011 is the European Day of Speech therapy that combines all the countries belonging to the Standing Committee of the European Speech. The Italian Federation Speech organizes numerous initiatives for those who need information on the problems of communication and language.

The theme this year will be that of deafness. The goal is to give better information on both parents and professionals working with children in age of development: health care workers, pediatricians, nurses, nursery school teachers.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Poptropica Can I Get Free Credits

Hold That Processor!: Sports

From American Support Group:

Dear Parents, My son

inizierà a giocare a calcio in primavera. Gli allenatori ci hanno chiesto di coprire i processori dell'impianto cocleare per motivi di sicurezza mentre gioca.
Grazie a tutti voi come sempre...

Risposta (la prima volta che vedo questo prodotto):
JOY BANDS: Visita il sito qui, sono stati creati da la mamma di una bambina sorda che aveva difficoltà a tenere il processore fermo.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How To Know Cooking Oil Density

Rock Slope Engineering in Italian in pdf

engineering of slopes in rock On this page you can buy the Italian translation of Rock Slope Engineering by E. Hoek and JW Bray (third revised edition). The translation was edited by Dr. Silvio Geol Laureri digital version of S. Beltraminelli.

For free you can view the translation of the first three chapters work
Cost: 65 EURO. With a surcharge of EUR 5 you can re-download the translation and any new versions for 12 months without additional costs. Also you can take the digital version on CD for an additional fee of 12.50 EUR.
Acquisto e contatto

La traduzione è stata possibile per gentile concessione della Institution of Mining and Metallurgy.

De La Ghetto Haircuts

Al via l’edizione 2011 del Carnevale Miletese

A causa delle avverse condizioni atmosferiche, la manifestazione è stata rinviata a sabato 12 marzo 2011, con inizio at 14.30. Following this, a press release issued on the occasion of the official presentation on February 24 last year.

She will v the to, do Menica February 27, 2011 edition of the Carnival Miletese, now, in recent years, a or t ra events allegorical region's most important.
program de lla event - organized by the Carnival Miletese and sponsored by the Province of Vibo Valentia, the City and the Pro Loco of Miletus - provides a three-day festival that will start, as mentioned, February 27 with the inauguration ceremony , continue, then, on March 3, the day the festival will be dedicated to children, and will conclude on March 6th with a large allegorical procession.
continue reading

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Professional Welcome Letter Ideas

La Provincia di Vibo Valentia presenta il Master Plan degli interventi integrati per la difesa dall’erosione costiera

A Master Pla n, which have been programmed a series of integrated measures for the protection of coastal erosion coastline, from north south, the towns of Pizzo , Vibo Valentia , Briatico , Zambrone , Tropea, Tropea , Ricadi , Joppolo and Nicotera is was presented this morning, the mayors of the coast Vibo Valentia province, the President of the Province of Vibo Valentia Francesco De Nisi (pictured at left) and the Councillor for Environment Martino Porcelli ( nella foto a destra) .
L’importante studio, che ha fotografato la situazione attuale della fascia costiera con il relativo stato di rischio erosione, è stato esposto dall’ingegnere
Gianluca Cantisani (nella foto in basso a sinistra) che, tra le altre cose, ha messo in evidenza che dei 66 kilometri della costa vibonese, ben 26 (il 39,5%) presentano gravi pericoli per gli abitanti, le infrastrutture pubbliche e le strutture turistiche. «Alcune spiagge quali Pizzo sud, Vibo, Briatico, Parghelia, Ricadi e Joppolo - ha affermato Gianluca Cantisani - sono già in gran parte scomparse o in stato di regresso avanzato ma è, comunque, possibile cercare di recuperare brevi tratti. Altri arenili, invece, quali quelli di Pizzo nord, Zambrone, Tropea, Ricadi e Nicotera, sono in una condizione di grave dissesto ma potrebbero essere salvate con un intervento mirato ed in tempi stretti ».L’analisi dello stato di fatto del litorale vibonese è stata svolta con un approfondimento sufficiente ad individuare i principali parametri che regolano ogni tratto omogeneo di costa. Si è fatto riferimento, in particolare, ad uno studio redatto dalla Regione Calabria, nel 2003, che si è provveduto ad aggiornare e integrare con le conoscenze, le modificazioni e gli interventi made in recent years.
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Monday, February 21, 2011

Poems That Make Her Horney


Credo che ci sono diversi momenti durante il percorso nei quali ci si guarda nello specchio con un attacco di dubbi. Ma sto facendo the right thing for my child? But when he grows up, what do you say?

In a chat thread, Lilly has left this comment in response to another mother ...

I understand you very well, even my mom has lived with anxiety for me.
over time I've shown that I manage pretty well, I would say that these things which
now give you the anxiety will melt, even your daughter will develop more and more
other gifts and will make his life, you'll see. Today, indeed, my father was more anxious than
my mother:))) But I am glad that they both understood that it is impossible for me to face things
maybe be barriers but the solutions There are always
. For now, if I can improve your hearing is good, wise, I live the same,

Positive Living is the most important thing to learn from children. There's nothing to ask forgiveness, the mother is always the mother. My mom protected me too much, and does not live too well protected for the future, I say from my experience, why do not you learn to deal with situations cavarti and poor, etc. ... I went out at the end of this "glass dome" maternal and face the best.


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Riforma federalista, le critiche degli amministratori vibonesi e di Legautonomie Calabria

"That is looming on the horizon is a federalist reform unjust and unfair that, should it be implemented, the South strongly penalize a reform which, as it is intended, paradoxically, lead to a reduction of the autonomy of local authorities and will cause, especially in the South, an increase in taxes for citizens and a reduction in services provided for them, by municipalities and provinces' .
These are the conclusions of the President of love Legautonomie Calabria
Mario Maiolo (photo) , arrived at the conclusion of debate on the drafting of the budget 2011 in the context of fiscal federalism, which was held this morning in the Council Chamber at the initiative of the Province of Vibo Valentia. Maiolo
President invited the mayors and administrators from Calabria to "become fully aware of the penalty affected the South with this type of reform and to do so, start a battle system for shared and comprehensive policy. An initiative that proposes a federal justice and solidarity, capable of safeguarding the rights that the Constitution guarantees equally to all citizens, beyond their geographical area of \u200b\u200bresidence. "
continue reading

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Invitation Wordings For College Farewell Party

Piedmont geological maps CARG 50,000

Non so se conoscete questa pagina, da qui potete consultare i fogli geologici CARG 1/50.000, anche quelli in lavorazione.

Da poco tempo ho scoperto che questa pagina contiene anche le note illustrative in pdf; per scaricarle è sufficiente puntare il mouse sul pallino verde accanto al nome della carta desiderata .


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sound Blaster Extigy Sterowniki Windows 7


Among the younger brother was born two months, so Saturday afternoon my daughter and I have bought everything that was blue ... poor cash ... going home she said, "Mom, we must not forget to buy a apparecchietto blue for my little brother!
At that moment a shiver down my spine took my breath away ... I thought: I hope not ... but then I realized that for her it is normal to have the IC, such as stockings / gloves or hat .. .

speech "do little brothers" when the first child is deaf, touches me deeply. The basis for this choice is so difficult to love.

I remember when a family member told me that I was going to destroy my son, at the precise moment when I told him I was pregnant with Sofia Madyson.

And I remember when I was 2 years old Sofia, wanted to be equal to his brother, then put two Bluetooth Barbie pink around the ears. I often hear the saying, "Mom, always help to Jordan and never to me, your poor child. But do not love me?"

It is never easy ... but in this way ... everything is much deeper.