Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pirates Of The Caribbean Theme Sax

The Union is strength

Future Steps of Scientific Collaboration Between Doctors
Italian Federation of Paediatricians (FIMP) Israel Ambulatory Pediatric Association (IAPA)

Giuseppe Mele and Yona Amitai

Presented at the 2nd Italian-Israeli Forum on Science and Technology

Tel Aviv, November 24, 2010

PRESS RELEASE - FIMP: More audiological screening for the health of children 24/11/2010
"In Italy a child in a thousand is affected by deafness. Strengthening the audiological screening will reduce the frequency of deafness due to early diagnosis and rehabilitation. " So Joseph Mele, President of the Italian Federation of Paediatricians Doctors (FIMP), took place during the joint Italo-Israeli seminar on science and technology taking place in Tel Aviv. "Put him in the audiological screening essential levels of care (Lea) or within the National Health Plan (NSP) - Apple continues - would be highly desirable to lower the risks associated with this disease." Neonatal audiological screening should be included in all birth centers Italians, with coverage throughout the territory which is lacking today in order to guarantee all children equal opportunities to health. John Lenzi, national coordinator of the Network FIMP Pediatric Audiology, explains that "in all respects birth in the territory italiano, dovrebbe essere assicurata la presenza di personale altamente qualificato e formato per poter abbassare in modo significativo i rischi di handicap del sordomutismo”.


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