Monday, February 21, 2011

Unblock Farmville From News Feed

Riforma federalista, le critiche degli amministratori vibonesi e di Legautonomie Calabria

"That is looming on the horizon is a federalist reform unjust and unfair that, should it be implemented, the South strongly penalize a reform which, as it is intended, paradoxically, lead to a reduction of the autonomy of local authorities and will cause, especially in the South, an increase in taxes for citizens and a reduction in services provided for them, by municipalities and provinces' .
These are the conclusions of the President of love Legautonomie Calabria
Mario Maiolo (photo) , arrived at the conclusion of debate on the drafting of the budget 2011 in the context of fiscal federalism, which was held this morning in the Council Chamber at the initiative of the Province of Vibo Valentia. Maiolo
President invited the mayors and administrators from Calabria to "become fully aware of the penalty affected the South with this type of reform and to do so, start a battle system for shared and comprehensive policy. An initiative that proposes a federal justice and solidarity, capable of safeguarding the rights that the Constitution guarantees equally to all citizens, beyond their geographical area of \u200b\u200bresidence. "
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