Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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Promozione delle Politiche sociali: siglato questa mattina l’annunciato protocollo d’intesa tra Provincia e organizzazioni sindacali

was signed this morning, arrived in the hall of the Agency, announced the Memorandum of Understanding between the Province and trade unions aimed at the promotion of social policies in the province. alderman addition to the branch Pasquale Fera, were the leaders of the CGIL, CISL, UIL, UGL, and Cisal Confeuro. All
Councillor Beasley addressed his thanks to the sensitivity and willingness to accept the invitation so convinced to actively contribute, together with the Province, to improve and increase the supply of social services in Vibo Valentia.

"Promoting concrete actions in this area is a priority of this administration - said Fera - and we want to do with the unions, key players of the area who are confronted daily with the problems and needs of the most disadvantaged populations. We ask you specifically, but also to local associations working in this specific field, a contribution in terms of suggestions and proposals for improving the projects we have already created or to help develop new systems. The needs of vulnerable groups of our people have no political color, woe to reason, in this field, in terms of poor-election political convenience. That's why all those who have interest and expertise must be committed to actively solve problems and improve the overall supply of social services. We do not want to proceed alone, we want to do with you, to local authorities and the Region. And in this I thank Councillor branch Franco Stillitani for the commitment shown so far. "
Beasley added that he had already turned with some private entrepreneurs who have proven "very willing to support ideas and projects of a social nature, as happens in many other Italian regions.
Among the projects already elaborated by the Province, Fera mentioned that concerns the re-employment of a number of temporary schools that have lost their jobs: funds with the right to education has taken steps to arrange for these teachers training courses for teaching the deaf and dumb and blind.
"In this regard - he continued - the Regional Councillor for Culture Mario Caligiuri said he was already willing to include in the near Por Calabria a course of action for contributions to the support of the school's precarious hold this new specialization. Another project said: "repropose together in the region increased to 500 € monthly pension which is currently disabled civilians still at about 250 €. A pilot project in that sense I have already successfully promoted, as mayor, my city of San Nicola da Crissa. Many other projects with your help we can develop and take forward. As for us, as directors have already conducted a more efficient organization of the offices by the Directorate of Social Affairs. My dream and President De Nisi, in this field, there is only one - said the commissioner, addressing the union members - to come to realize in our province, with your help and the various municipalities, beginning with that of Vibo, a system efficient and appropriate social policies to the needs. "
Before signing the MOU have taken some of those present who, by thanking Councillor Fera Provincial Administration for trying to involve them directly elaboration of the overall network of social services in Vibo Valentia, have consistently expressed the appreciation of an express "his practical way of speaking, and especially in the field of social action ', ensuring' maximum willingness to contribute so that finally In this area there is a modern and efficient social services. "


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