Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Funny Things To Write In The Wedding Book


"Dove finiscono le mie capacità comincia la mia fede e una forte fede vede l'invisibile crede l'incredibile e ottiene l'impossibile"- IKEDA

Sordità infantile, la riabilitazione inizia dalla diagnosi

Più di mezzo milione di adulti soffre di una sordità grave invalidante e sono oltre mille i bambini che, ogni anno, nascono con sordità congenita, determinata da una lesione della coclea, l'organo sensoriale dell'udito. Una situazione preoccupante e per di più in peggioramento, visto che, secondo l'Associazione italiana per la ricerca deafness on the annual increase of hearing problems is about two percentage points. Regardless of age, however, the hearing impairment if not properly managed, can lead to communication difficulties and social skills as well as disrupt the quality of life for those affected. This is why early diagnosis is crucial and speech rehabilitation can make a difference. These are the main topics of the European Day of speech, which is celebrated on March 6. The press conference to present the event was an opportunity to take stock of the situation.
signs to recognize hearing loss in children

The child does not turn when it is called? Non alza il capo a rumori improvvisi o estranei? C'è ritardo nella lallazione o nella comparsa delle prime parole? Sono tre indizi sufficienti a sospettare un'ipoacusia del bambino. Segni che anche il genitore può riscontrare nella quotidianità, per questo di fronte al minimo dubbio, spiegano gli esperti, sarà utile rivolgersi al pediatra e iniziare uno specifico percorso diagnostico: accanto a esami strumentali e a visite specialistiche per valutare l'apparato uditivo e misurarne la capacità, verrà effettuato un bilancio logopedico delle abilità comunicative. «Negli anni» spiega Tiziana Rossetto, presidente Fli (Federazione logopedisti italiani) «lo screening prenatale e neonatale ha permesso di identificare e inviare early diagnosis, many children with hearing impairment at birth and to initiate a timely and educational rehabilitation. Of course, only the confirmation of diagnosis of deafness specialist insights will be critical to choose the remedies useful (use of cochlear implants or implant placement) and to plan the rehabilitative speech therapy and the most suitable educational and educational. It "continues Lipstick" according to the characteristics, age and needs of the patient, the speech pathologist will carry out the so-called "budget speech therapy, which aims to define the non-verbal and verbal communication skills of the child language, auditory-perceptual skills, the performance General and rehabilitation. Useful, "concluded the expert" counseling speech therapist who will lead the family and other social and educational agencies involved (eg school, work) in the path of life of the individual. " For information and increase awareness of the problem Fli has organized a series of local events: these include the activation of many regions in a direct line to a speech therapist, the publication of brochures, information point at the opening of health facilities and squares. "Communication" says Oskar Schindler, professor, former professor of Audiology and Phoniatrics, "a skill is very important and vital. Better, therefore, not underestimate the problem especially in pediatric and adolescent age groups.

For information on the day from 7 to 11 March from 10 to 12, the number to call is 049/8647936. You can also send an e-mail address or visit info@fli.it www.fli.it


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