Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ceramic Tile Shower Towel Rods

minimum fees - President Cremasco outside La Stampa


From "La Stampa" of Monday, March 29, 2010
not there is more than the minimum guaranteed by law
Geologists have , aimed to restore the Tar


Contracts awarded with "discounts" up to 93 percent, pay for 390 days. In Turin
an enterprise offering free work to the City. Professionals in alarm

Torino Municipality of Grado the design and supervision for the restoration of the auditorium `Marin was awarded with a fall of 93.60%. A discount seen in the field of `engineering. Not only
: who won the race `s contract has secured a reduction in the time the final design plans and payment of 75% at 390 days compared to 30 proposals. In Turin, recounts President of the order of geologists Silvano Cremasco, has gone even further: the fall of 100%.
"` A company interested in drilling in Milan win the `contract for the installation of a bridge over the Dora - Cremasco says -` has honored "the City with an offer crazy: the report and carrying out threw geological surveys and specialized works underground were free. "
A proposal so embarrassing that the City was forced to seek an opinion from your legal department before entrusting the job.
" We are a category in disarray - the President of the order of engineers in Turin , Remo Vaud - the law on deregulation, the infamous ex Bersani Decree, ha creato una situazione pericolosissima.
Qui non si tratta più di aprire alla concorrenza, con ribassi così alti è in gioco la sicurezza per tutti i cittadini e la qualità dei lavori svolti».
Il problema riguarda tutte le professioni dell`area tecnica, anche se ci si muove per singoli ordini professionali.
Il tema, però, verrà posto all`attenzione del prossimo congresso nazionale degli ingegneri che si svolgerà a Torino dall`8 al 10 settembre.
«Così non si può più andare avanti - continua l`ingegner Vaudano - solo nel Torinese, negli ultimi tempi, sono stati aggiudicati lavori con ribassi del 77% (Cittadella del Politecnico), del 77,8% (Società Interporto di Orbassano), del 73,52% (ristrutturazione della caserma Berardi di Pinerolo) e appalti Anas e Asl con riduzione degli onorari compresi tra il 65 e l`85%».
Non si tratta di picchi o casi isolati.
L`ordine degli ingegneri torinese ha effettuato un`analisi a campione:
50 appalti di opere pubbliche su 200 aggiudicati negli ultimi sei mesi dalla pubblica amministrazione. La media al ribasso è risultata essere del 72% con un picco dell`83%. Il 22 marzo una circolare del Consiglio nazionale degli ingegneri denunciava la stessa situazione: onorari ridotti con medie superiori al 70% in tutta la Penisola.
Si tratta di un trend. Nel 2006 il ribasso medio batteva sul 30-35%, nell`anno successivo il ribasso era aumentato di 10-15 punti, e so the next one.
These estimates, order of Turin in 2010 established a monitoring official public bodies will send engineers to the outcome of races. "We intend to explore all the work and to punish members that will have you executed the order to return the evil mega discounts they propose."
But rebates are so blatant only the damaging effect of market competition? According to the professional associations do not. To participate in competitions at the maximum discount must present a maxisconto, but for contracts awarded by the criterion of `best value for money matters a lot in the curriculum. Many professionals break down almost to zero while their fees to win a particular type of work that wants to continue to do so later.
"It is necessary to reverse the trend - says Peter De Paola, Chairman of the National Council of Geologists - calls for the restoration. `compulsory nature of the law on minimum fees." The National Council of Geologists is currently the only one opposing judicially `all` Antitrust who raised questions about the maintenance of minimum fees related to the ethical codes that speak of "dignity" and "professional dignity." Currently the issue is pending the TAR. But regional
orders are moving.
The order of the geologists of Turin has intentions to explore the work entrusted to extend cemetery a few weeks ago in their own writing. According to rate the work was worth € 4000, was awarded to 700. "If we see that it was poorly executed and that there are security risks to initiate disciplinary proceedings.
ask a legal opinion for a `possible sanction. We will do so with all: so much with the members who have offered discounts to those with the excessive, employees of public bodies, which will accept them. "
Same thing they want to do the engineers. Looms a fratricide.

79 percent average reduction
are the results of this survey carried out by `Order of Engineers in Turin on a sample of 50 public works contracts bandits in the area in recent months. The peak is 83 percent of `The Congress arriving in Turin, 1000 ~ The dangers engineers pearl community due to declines in excess of` an invitation to tender will be a central theme of the forthcoming 55 th National Congress of Engineers to be held in Turin From the September 8 to 10.
The congress, which will be at the Teatro Carignano in Turin returns after 50 years. It is expected the arrival of over a thousand people from all over Italy. L `ospitality provides some dinners to be held in famous cities: L` 8 September there will be a "snack sinoira" at the Museum of Cinema, on 9 evening, a dinner at the Gallery of Diana's gay Venaria and a dinner on Friday 10 Piedmontese entertainment event to Palaisozaki. During the days of the conference carers and family members receive a complimentary subscription to the `Turin Museum and will participate in guided tours of the city and its neighborhoods.
The conference is sponsored by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, the City and the Province of Turin and is waiting for the Piedmont Region.

Good Distance For Shot Put

Elections EPAP first results

Although electronic voting has been overwhelming, and decisive vote for many represented, including the Piedmont Edward Rabajoli which achieved a good result on the basis of a convergence of votes from many regions.
You must register the complete success of his colleagues under the Campanian cards delivered by hand, all in one shot? received from colleagues with great diligence?
seems odd that only the elect Campani, the candidate presents itself forces have resorted to this method of voting.

More information at:

Saturday, March 20, 2010

How Much Petsmart Dog Teeth Cleaning

Elections EPAP electronic voting, there is still time and is easy to vote

The more, now, the voters, and more democratic and clean will be a vote to elect those who will administer the volume of money huge set aside by us for pension purposes and which will receive immediate benefits like fees and attendance fees.

Think about it, and voted on.
not allow the vote to lobby govern even your retirement future, maybe investment funds to drive the strange or questionable operators.

Voting electronically is very easy.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Preparation H And Dogs

Guidelines INAIL SGSL network enterprises

Vi allego un nuovo documento dell'INAIL relativo a specifiche linee guida per l'implementazione degli SGSL per le c.d. "imprese a rete" (AR in sigla), ossia quelle che operano con una ramificazione territoriale delle proprie strutture di servizio. Non è un caso che queste linee guida sono state sviluppare in collaborazione con il consorzio ELIS, di cui fanno parte, tra le altre, ENEL, Autostrade, Trenitalia, Poste Italiane, ecc.. E' ovvio che il documento è preparato espressamente per aziende grandi e ben strutturate. Niente a che vedere con il sistema delle PMI dell'edilizia e delle costruzioni. E' però interessante segnalare la sezione del controllo/qualificazione degli appalti e la gestione dei sites, typical of companies like those mentioned. I await your thoughts and comments. DV.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sciatica And Frequent Urination Treatment

Warning slip of 1 year for the DGR seismic

Chisone Eco News reported today, apparently the seismic reclassification of DGR is shifted to the Piedmont region of 365 days instead of 120 days following the article.

Published on March 3, 2010
2011Nuove rules in force in anti-earthquake? In a year
All suspended for one year. The entry into force of the new seismic classification of the Piedmont, which was launched by the Regional Council on January 19 last year, has been postponed until 2011. On March 1 the government headed by Mercedes Bresso established in 365 days (and not in 120) the period of "interregnum" before the rule becomes effective. And since the time of the publication of new measures in the Official Gazette of the region, is postponed until March next year.
sigh of relief for the designers of the areas previously classified as seismic risk 4 (the lowest) and now "promoted" Zone 3, like most of the lowland belt of Turin and Pinerolo. It has been deferred for 365 days and also the obligation to produce the certificate of suitability for construction started but not yet completed in these municipalities.

Raw Honey Cleanser Recipes

POS-SGSL: The challenge of the single document

No, I'm gone. Many friends have asked me where I finished. Quite simply a facade to my wife, unfortunately, with many fractures, forced me to distance myself from my work for two months to devote to the care of the family. But back to great pomp, posting an article I just came out on Building and Land in which propose again a theme dear to me and I am experiencing in some companies: Document unique POS-SGSL. I am attaching the article ed attendo i vostri commenti. Aggiungerò man mano le novità a cui sto lavorando. Saluti a tutti i miei lettori (DV).

Monday, March 1, 2010

Average Cost For Basketball Court

Geology of the Piedmont Region and Piedmont

Having been approved in July, the Regional Law 20 of 14 July 2009, perhaps has escaped many.

What is it? E 'as the implementation of the Regional Law House Plan Berlusconi.
What is it? to derogate from the legislation.
But what are the buildings in class IIIa? There may or oversights are of the technical tables? Evidently
isolated houses are not served by local roads ... ?
would otherwise fall into class IIIb.

The full text of: