Monday, August 2, 2010

Free Sales Commision Agreement Template

material useful for both the profession is to prepare the state exam by geologist

This is a list of draft, other material is in the blog, you must have a minimum initiative in seeking information ...
All users are cordially invited to participate in the manner most useful to believe. Many thanks that you have already made useful. If the page has
success will be required to transpose it on the website of the Order.

  • Professional ethics
  • Taxes, Welfare, Economy
  • Statement
These points are not usually treated, in preparation for the profession, we hope to cover part with the help of all.

Professional ethics. 20DEONTOLOGICO_2010.pdf
The code has recently been attacked by the Authority "Antitrust" because such authority sees the point which states that you must maintain decorum tariff, as anti-competitive ( ). Obviously, the A. will not consider the fact that there are professional jobs or level of poor or absolutely no money compared to the effort expended.
Other useful texts:

Taxes, Welfare, Economy
contributions are welcome .

Perché il geologo lavora?

Nel 95% dei casi, perché esiste una normativa pertinente la sua professione, che obbliga a richiedere il suo lavoro che si esplicita in una RELAZIONE; diciamocelo francamente, altrimenti non lavorerebbe proprio.

La fonte di lavoro per la maggior parte degli iscritti all'Ordine sta in questa norma: il D.M. 14 gennaio 2008 (le cosiddette NTC) la sua circolare applicativa e collegati; di interesse sono pure le norme riguardanti l'ambiente, l'urbanistica, l'idrogeologia e l'attività estrattiva, ma la parte del leone la fanno le NTC .

Here's the link that was mentioned and the parts that directly concern the geologist who is also involved in geotechnical engineering or construction.

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
(3.1, 3.2)

Chapter 6 Chapter 7 (7.1 , 7.2, 7.3, 7.11)
Chapter 8 (for its geology and geotechnical aspects)
Chapter 10 (10.1, 10.2)

It 'obvious that a text so innovative not preceded by any particular training has led to considerable confusion in the industry.
Help can be found in:
But it is essential for the normal professional activity, knowing how to disentangle the NTC.

First State regulations must be clear in what areas the working geologist, areas regulated by: To find most of the relevant legislation geology can start from here: , taking into account that was created just this corporate website, which should help simplify the search for rules effect: .

for the pursuit of regional legislation, which plays an important role in the profession, there are websites, such as: http://www / environment /

Fields spill the rules and regulations are as follows:

Constraint hydrogeological

planning law and its implications Geological Circular 7 LAP/96:

Statement on wells for water: / base/regolamenti/R2003010.html

earth and rocks excavated:

ARPA Piemonte The site contains many references to legal practical utility

Il sito della Autorità di Bacino del F Po dovrebbe essere consultato sia per leggerne la Relazione Generale che le Norme di attuazione che governano i principali vincoli di carattere urbanistico geologico sul territorio.

In definitiva, perchè il geologo dovrebbe lavorare ed essere consultato?

per questo ad esempio:

Manuale per la prevenzione dei pericoli ambientali - Criteri di riconoscimento e norme di sorveglianza ; Provincia di Torino e CNR IRPI. Torino, dicembre 1987 (file pdf - 871 KB)
In a geological report, and resolution time real emergency these aspects should be well considered, depending on the project and the site studied.

For now Happy reading and then ... study. ________________________________________________

Still in draft form, here are some courses offered by other Provincial
contains many missing links ...

and other material that seems useful: # / A_MOR2b.html #
in English: applied geophysics PDF / smgeotechguidelines% 20 -% 20may% 202008.pdf how to work professionally ...
Use the right mouse button and save the file (to save it quickly)

Text by TM
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Reference standards for the conduct of 'Eds
Ministerial Order of 27 March 2009 Ministry of University and state exams RicercaOrdinanza professional training sessions in 2009. Professions regulated by DPR 328/2001.Sono held in June and November 2009, the first and second sessions of the state exams for certification to practice as an actuary and an actuary Younger, Younger chemist and chemical engineer and engineer, Junior, architect, planner, landscape architect, curator and architect and planner Younger Younger, Younger biologist and biologist, a geologist and geologist Younger, psychologist, doctor of psychological techniques for contexts sociali,organizzativi e del lavoro e dottore in tecniche psicologiche per i servizi alla persona e alla comunità, dottore agronomo e dottore forestale, agronomo e forestale iunior e biotecnologo agrario, assistente sociale specialista e assistente sociale. Alle predette sessioni possono presentarsi i candidati che hanno conseguito il titolo accademico richiesto entro il termine stabilito per ciascuna sessione dai Rettori delle singole università in relazione alle date fissate per le sedute di laurea. Legge 1 agosto 2002, n. 173 Conversione in legge, con modificazioni, del decreto-legge 10 giugno 2002, n. 107, recante disposizioni urgenti in materia di accesso alle professioni. Decreto President's June 5, 2001, n.328 Regulations implementing art. 1, paragraph 18 of Law 4 / 99 - Changes and supplements to the discipline of the requirements for admission to the State and its testing of the professions of doctor and doctor of agronomy forestry, agro-technicians, architect, social worker, actuary, biologist, chemist, geologist, surveyor, engineer, land surveyor, industrial expert, psychologist, and the discipline of the order Decree of the President of the Republic April 17, 1985, No 399 Additions to the Decree of the President of the Republic November 3, 1982, No 981, approving the Regulation for the state examinations for certification to practice as a geologist Decree of the President of the Republic - November 3, 1982, No 981 Approval of regulations for examination by the State of authorization to practice as a geologist DM September 9, 1957 Approval of the Regulation on state exams enable the exercise of professions.
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